Rainbow Dress, Digital License Plates, and a Filipino's Second World Record

0 Views· 10/30/22
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In today's news, with Paz and Nancy: <br> Amsterdam's Rainbow Dress, digital license plates, and a Filipino athlete with two world records. <br> Stay tuned and don't go anywhere, these stories are coming up next! ________________________________ <br> 阿姆斯特丹彩虹裙亮相台北 Amsterdam Rainbow Dress Displayed in Taipei <br> The month of October is observed as LGBT History Month in many countries around the world. 10 月在世界許多國家被視為 LGBT 歷史月。 <br> That includes Taiwan, too! <br> On Saturday, the 20th Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade (第20屆臺灣同志遊行) took place at the Taipei City Hall Plaza. <br> LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. LGBT是女同性戀者、男同性戀者、雙性戀者與跨性別者的英文首字母縮略字。 <br> The event featured many options for visitors to enjoy, including a Rainbow Market, stage shows, and speeches from advocacy groups (倡導團體). <br> One of the special attractions was the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress. <br> It's 16 meters wide, and is made up of flags from 68 countries where homosexuality is illegal. 它 16 米寬,由來自 68 個同性戀非法國家的國旗組成。 <br> The dress' creators remove a country's flag when it legalizes homosexuality (同性戀合法化). <br> They replace (取代) it with a rainbow flag when that happens. <br> That means the dress is a "living" work of art, because it changes and evolves over time. 這件彩虹裙是一件"活"的藝術品,因為它會隨著時間而變化和演變。 <br> Since 2016, only nine countries' flags have been removed. <br> The dress has traveled around the world in the last six years. ________________________________ <br> 美國加州批准電子車牌 California State Approves Digital License Plates <br> Quick! What kind of information can you collect when you see a vehicle breaking the law? <br> Why, you write down the license plate number (車牌號), of course! <br> The US State of California has recently passed a law making it legal to use digital license plates on vehicles. 美國加州最近通過了一項法律,規定在車輛上使用電子車牌是合法的。 <br> Right now, only one company makes these types of electric license plates. <br> They're calling them "Rplates", and it has an e-ink screen (電子墨水屏). <br> It looks like a regular tablet (平板), like an iPad, but the screen looks and feels like paper. <br> E-ink screens can show images even without electricity! 即使沒有電,電子墨水屏幕也可以顯示圖像! <br> People with digital license plates can handle their paperwork (處理他們的證件) online, and manage the license (管理車牌) using an app on their phone. <br> People who use these digital license plates can also customize (定制) the messages displayed on it. <br> For example, if the car has been stolen, the owner can change the message to let other people know. <br> The license plates can also track the cars (追?車輛)… <br> Although some people feel that it could be a privacy problem (隱私問題). <br> It's also quite expensive. <br> The technologically-advanced (科技先進的) license plates cost almost 10-thousand NT a year! ________________________________ <br> 菲律賓運動員打破另一項跳繩記錄 Filipino Athlete Breaks Another Jump Rope Record <br> The Guinness World Records has a long list of incredible feats achieved by human beings. 金氏世界紀錄上有很多人類取得的令人難以置信的壯舉。 <br> From making the biggest pizza in the world to becoming the fastest man alive, it's amazing what people can do when they set a goal and work hard. <br> Most people might celebrate this kind of achievement (成就) and move on, but one Filipino athlete decided he wanted to go further (更進一步). <br> Ryan Alonzo, who is also known as "Skipman," has set his second Guinness World Record in jump rope! <br> Jump rope is a high-intensity activity that uses all the muscles in the body. 跳繩是一項高強度的活動,需要用到全身所有的肌肉。 <br> There are different ways you can jump over a rope, including freestyle, crossover, and double -under skips. 可以用多種方式跳繩,包括自由式、交叉式和雙下跳。 <br> And Alonzo broke world records in two jumping styles. <br> He set a record in 2021 for performing 40,980 double-under skips in under 12 hours. <br> That means the rope goes around the body twice in a single jump. 繩子在一次跳躍中繞著身體兩次。 <br> And this month, Alonzo completed 3,371 consecutive crossovers (連續交叉式跳). <br> That's done by crossing the arms in and out while skipping over the rope. 在跳繩時將雙臂交叉進出來完成的。 <br> Alonzo says having endurance (耐力) was important for both records. <br> It shows that practice and determination (練習和決心) are useful when you want to reach a goal. ________________________________ <br> Now, let's quickly review today's stories: <br> Taipei held the 20th LGBT Pride Month on October 29th. <br> One of the special attractions was the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress. <br> It's a "living" work of art made up of flags from 68 countries where homosexuality is illegal. ________________________________ <br> The US State of California has recently passed a law making it legal to use digital license plates on vehicles. <br> They're called "Rplates", and are made using an e-ink screen. <br> People with digital license plates can conveniently handle their paperwork online. ________________________________ <br> And, <br> Ryan Alonzo is a Filipino athlete. <br> He has set two Guinness World Records in jump rope. ________________________________ <br> And that's all for today's episode of News Bites!

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