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Rebroadcast • Overcoming Divorce and Breaking Through the Negative with Deborah Driggs
Meet Deborah Driggs
Today we’re talking with Deborah Driggs. Her experience with divorce, trauma and recovery has fueled her across the career landscape — from model to actor to sales to motivational speaker. She joins Seth and Pete in the Toaster to share the story of divorces in her own life – first her parents’ and later her own – and to explore how she learned the power of taking risks, staying positive, and offering help to those who need it. Her divorce sent her down some dark rabbit holes and it’s taken a long time to get out. But she has. Deborah talks about getting out of rejection and moving forward. She made the decision to not take ‘no’ for an answer, and that largely means from herself. That mental focus has put her in a place where she’s able to help others work through their own negativity and heal. It’s a powerful story of peaks and valleys but always leading toward peace and healing.
Links & Notes
Deborah’s website
Deborah on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Schedule a consult with Seth
Got a question you want to ask on the show? Click here!
02:04 - Welcome to How to Split a Toaster
02:30 - Meet Deborah Driggs
03:19 - Not Taking No for an Answer
04:34 - Her Divorce
09:31 - Down the Rabbit Hole
11:58 - Getting Back Out of It
13:06 - Healing From Trauma
15:12 - Your Relationship With Yourself
17:14 - Time to Heal
20:38 - Getting Help Earlier
25:13 - Who's Really Paying Attention?
30:43 - Turning the Corner
34:18 - Being a Coach
35:31 - Getting the Help You Need
37:40 - Two Years From Now
39:39 - Reaching Out to Deborah