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Representation, Cannibalism And Queer Terminology (Part Deux) With Pillow Queens
We are PUMPED AF that the EXTREMELY HOT Pam and Sarah of Pillow Queens took time out from recording their third album (scream!) to join us on the pod this week.
We started with a main theme of Queer representation, but segued into which Queen would get eaten first, ashtray arses and Conor getting dissed for not being a Virgo (unlucky).
Claire and Conor share their own thoughts on whether Queer representation is still needed in music and media (and the world in general) and BY POPULAR DEMAND we have another round of Queer terminology quiz time.
Pillow Queens are supporting Franz Ferdinand on August 27th in Iveagh Gardens and Sarah provides the PERFECT line to ask some one to to gig with.
Heartfelt thanks to The Rides for coming on our Hot Girls In Training journey so far - we love your hair and we hope you win, mwah x
If you’re enjoying the pod, please smash that five star rating button (and if you’re feeling fancy, leave a review) cos it helps LOADS with spreading the word.
This is definitely not a cult, but if it was you’d make the HOTTEST followers.
Till next time,
Stay Hot Girls xx
Pillow Queens: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7BDvurihyagH0uSPNDJX7d?si=vGBUSnj6RrGnBrIU-0alyQ
Real Hot Girl Pod Slaycation Bops: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Y3HQ4BUAypwNsmcJHIqpt
Temporary Serotonin Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6pXSMRAKx8OIydgIZF0CHg
About The Hosts:
Claire Beck is a DJ and Broadcaster from Dublin. You may have heard her *award winning* Saturday SoundSystem radio show on Today FM or seen her DJ at a festival or a club. She likes big boats and she cannot lie (she lives on one).
Conor Finn is a Digital Media expert and Podcaster from the mean streets of Armagh. He is a county champion fiddler (not a euphemism). His signature dance move is a slut drop so aggressive that he's ripped several pairs of jeans from thigh to crack.
Real Hot Girl Pod is a podcast about embodying the Hot Girl Attitude in a Queer, inclusive space. <br /> Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.