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Return To Authenticity, Monkey Bars and Shit Balls With Eric Sardina
We love this guy. Eric Sardina is a long time listener and supporter of the Building Men Podcast, he is an Enlifted Coach, a fellow podcaster and a great dude. Anthony and I talk with Eric about the Spartan Race, staying away from playgrounds, stupid stuff we did as kids and how Eric is inspiring others with his return to an authentic life. Eric Sardina worked in corporate America for 30 years in sales and marketing in companies ranging in size from start-up to the Fortune 500. After he turned 50, he started to wonder if he was called to something else, if his talents were being best utilized and if he was doing what he was put on the Earth to do. Through several years of work with his own coach, he determined to pursue a new career coaching others who are at a crossroads trying to live more authentic lives. Eric is also a public speaker where he often speaks to business audiences on the power found at the crossroads of mindset, physiology, spirituality and doing hard things to live your best life, the life you were born to live. He is the host of the Return to Authenticity podcast, where he interviews guests who've made bold pivots toward their authentic selves. Website: https://ericsardina.comInstagram: @eric_sardina26.2FB: Eric SardinaLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericsardina/Building Men InstagramBuilding Men WebsiteBuilding Men YouTubeBuilding Men FacebookWork with Dennis as your 1 on 1 coach The Foundation Virtual Coaching Group for Young MenIf our podcast resonates with you, please consider rating, reviewing and sharing it with anyone who you believe would benefit from the message.Visit our sponsors - Chop Club For MenFinish The Race – Home of the official Building Men gear <br />