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Revolut's Andrius Biceika on no-budget scrappy growth hacking, early days of a multi-billion startup, importance of launching fast and future super app. Ep 120
Andrius Biceika is a Partner at Revolut and the Co-CEO and Board member at Revolut Bank. He was one of the early employees and has held many leadership roles at Revolut. Prior to that he did stints at such well known Lithuanian companies as Citybee and Transfergo.In this episode we talk about:Early stories of RevolutGrowth hacking strategiesBuilding fintech products===<br/>Find other episodes on > https://www.pursuitofscrappiness.co/ Watch select full-length episodes on our YouTube channel > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6ueaLnjS-CQfrMCm2EoTA Connect with us on Linkedin > https://www.linkedin.com/company/pursuit-of-scrappiness/ Questions/suggestions? Join our Telegram group > https://t.me/pursuitofscrappiness <br/>