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Revolutionising Sensory Breaks: The Cubbie Solution with David McIntyre
Are you ready to transform the way we learn and make education truly inclusive for everyone?<br/><br/>In this ground-breaking episode of School Behaviour Secrets, we delve into the transformative world of sensory education with Cubbie, a visionary company dedicated to revolutionising the way we learn. Join us as we explore Cubbie's innovative solutions and their profound impact on inclusive education.<br/><br/><br/>Important links:<br/><br/>Visit the Cubbie UK website here<br/><br/>Visit the Cubbie Ireland website here<br/><br/>Get our FREE Sensory checklist here<br/><br/>Join our Inner Circle membership programme: https://beaconschoolsupport.co.uk/inner_circle.php<br/><br/>Download other FREE behaviour resources for use in school: https://beaconschoolsupport.co.uk/resources.php<br/><br/>Podcast Competition (September 2023)
Enter our NEW competition for your chance to win over £250's worth of SEMH and school behaviour related goodies. Simply leave us an (honest) rating and review on Apple podcasts or Spotify, screenshot your review, and email it to simon@beaconschoolsupport.co.uk before 6th October 2023. For full details, see this page.