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Richard Worsham of Janus Motorcycles
In Northern Indiana, a team of happy folks build single cylinder machines that combine vintage appeal with modern technology. <br/><br/>Richard Worsham is the man behind Janus Motorcycles, and his philosophy is all about the fun and freedom of riding an easy, unfussy bike. <br/><br/>He founded the company straight out of college- the first was a 50cc model. Janus now makes a 250 and a 450, each with styling cues and riding position reminiscent of motorcycles of the Teens and Twenties.<br/><br/>Local suppliers and craftsmen are important to their success, as is a sturdy and proven engine design. If you've ever lusted after a vintage bike but don't want the hassle of taking care of an old machine, this might be your ticket to ride.<br/><br/>We're celebrating the Third Anniversary of Horsepower Heritage. Thanks for being a great audience. Please donate to the podcast at the link below and make sure your follow the show on your favorite podcast app.<br/><br/>VISIT JANUS MOTORCYCLES:<br/>https://janusmotorcycles.com<br/><br/>SUPPORT THE POD:<br/>https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hpheritage<br/><br/>INSTAGRAM: @horsepowerheritage<br/><br/>YOUTUBE:<br/>https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=horsepower+heritage<br/><br/>HORSEPOWER HERITAGE IS NOW ON TWITTER:<br/>https://twitter.com/TargaStorio<br/><br/>SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS:<br/>http://modelcitizendiecast.com<br/><br/>https://www.drivetowardacure.org<br/><br/>FIND US ON THE WEB:<br/>https://www.horsepowerheritage.com<br/><br/>Support the show