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S02E42: SpaceX's Mechazilla, Polaris Mysteries, and Japan's Lunar Quest
Show Notes: Astronomy Daily Podcast with Steve Dunkley & AI Newsreader, Hallie<br />**Episode Date:** September 11, 2023<br />**In this episode:**<br />1. **Polaris Star Mysteries**<br />- Recent changes observed in the Polaris star.<br />- The significance of its pulsation period in the world of astronomy.<br />2. **Chandran 3's Lunar Challenges**<br />- Chandran 3's experience of cold temperatures on the moon.<br />- The probe's survival challenges due to the absence of heaters.<br />3. **The Search for Extraterrestrial Life**<br />- NASA's exploration for technosignatures from advanced civilizations.<br />- The potential of intercepting communication through electromagnetic waves.<br />4. **Comet Nishimura's Journey**<br />- Discovery by amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura.<br />- The comet's tail loss due to a solar event and its journey through the solar system.<br />5. **SpaceX Updates**<br />- The grounding of SpaceX's Starship after an explosion.<br />- FAA's corrective actions and the future of Starship launches.<br />- Introduction of SpaceX's new Starship Catching Launch Tower, "Meccazilla."<br />6. **Japan's Space Missions**<br />- The launch and objectives of Japan's Slim Moon Lander and X-Rism X-Ray Telescope.<br />- The significance of X-ray astronomy in understanding the universe.<br />**Closing Remarks:**<br />Steve Dunkley wraps up the episode, inviting listeners to join the next episode for more exciting news from the world of astronomy, space, and space science.<br />**Tune in next time for more updates from the cosmos!**<br /><br />This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/....5648921/advertisemen