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S11 Episode 61- Rig a ruck
In this episode, the dogs talk about Mike’s future as a Jumpmaster (00:27), the start of the school year at UIC (13:13), and the difference between managers and leaders (19:00). Connor comes up with a new parable for the Gospel of Luke (27:00) and The Simpsons is referenced (35:58), twice (41:08). Quotes: “Leaders lead from the front.” (Mike, 7:05) “I’m the go-to guy… not because it’s “Mike”, but because it’s “Father”, which is always a humbling reality.” (Mike, 9:28) “Manage to maintain vs actually drive a mission; that’s the difference between a leader and a manager.” (Rob on leadership, 10:45) “Aim small, miss small.” (Connor, 13:50) “Jesus is my ultimate horizon.” (Connor 18:20) “If you’re in communion with the Father then you have his vision, the divine perspective.” (Mike, 23:00) “I want to help my people to become fully who they were created to be.” (Mike, 25:35) “People who are holy, whether or not publicly recognized by the church as saints, keep the world from turning into hell.” (Connor quoting Cardinal George, 28:29) “Life is a moment by moment expression of your identity.” (Connor quoting Whitfield, 30:10) “Most of us live as if we’re going somewhere, not as if we’ve arrived.” (Connor, 31:10) “That’s the whole point of Moby Dick. Lisa, the point of Moby Dick is be yourself.” (Rob quoting The Simpsons, 36:02) “The present is the place where infinite love finds its rays of glory.” (Mike quoting Lewis, 37:20) “The cemetery is full of indispensable people” (Connor, 42:40) Media Mentions: “They enlarged their phylacteries and lengthened their tassels.” (Matthew 23:5) Tod Bolsinger’s Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory Bob Schuchts’ Be Healed Luke 13:18-21 Charles L. Whitfield’s Healing the Child Within The Simpsons S15 E5: The Fat and the Furriest C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters The Simpsons Movie- Whipping Dogs Sledding Scene References: Jumpmaster Paratrooper JumpMaster Personnel Inspection (JMPI) 82nd Airborne Division Boy Scouts of America Leadership: Vision- Alignment- Accountability Cor Coffee “Nolite timere”- be not afraid (at the John Paul II Chapel at Mundelein) Bishop Robert Barron Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF) Fellowship of Catholic University Students Shared understanding (from the 7 Principles of Mission Command)