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S2: E1: Why coins in the UK will now feature Harry Potter, Hogwarts and Dumbledore on them
The Harry Potter book series took the world by storm. Many a child today owes his / her love for reading from J.K.Rowling's creations. The thick, fat pages of Goblet of Fire or the Deathly Hallows hardly deterred 7 and 8 year olds around the world. For some children, it is hard to believe a world where there were no Harry Potter books. <br/><br/>It was only 25 years ago that the first Harry Potter book - Philosopher's stone (or Sorcerer's stone in the US) was published. Commemorating this, the Royal Mint of the UK recently published 4 coins, with faces of some of our favourite characters.<br/><br/>In Season 2 of this podcast channel. 10-year olds - Isabelle Abraham and Vihaan Arora discuss this news story. This episode holds a place of pride for the 'What's new today' team as the two children put this episode entirely by themselves (after a podcasting workshop attended by the kids).Support the showIf you would like to be alerted via whatsapp on new episodes, join this free link to be a part of a Whatsapp community AND follow us on Instagram to find out about other interesting trivia. <br/> <br/>If you like what you're listening to, please do support us by contributing whatever you like, and for some exclusive benefits<br/><br/>Send us answers to riddles and your comments at hello@wsnt.in or click the Reply button on Spotify.