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S2 E14: Journey of ISRO - Hiking through the forests in search of a launch pad (part 2)
Dr.Vikram Sarabhai was not a man to stop at sending a few sounding rockets from a beach town in Kerala. He had grander visions. He wanted India to launch its own satellite from its own satellite launch vehicle.<br/><br/>Where would he find his suitable satellite launch pad? Listen to the episode to find stories of the jungles he and his team trudged and reach the ideal island.<br/>11-year old Dhruv and 11-yr old Pranshi share their insights on what they make of the struggles of India's early day space scientists.Support the showTo subscribe for your free copy of the newsletter: please click here<br/>If you would like to get whatsapp alerts about new episodes: please click here <br/>To speak on the show as a co-host: follow us on Instagram to find out how <br/> <br/>If you like what you're listening to, please do support us by contributing whatever you like, and for some exclusive benefits<br/><br/>Send us your comments at hello@wsnt.in.