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S2 Ep14: How to Get Past Gatekeepers with Blake Hudson
This episode of Hopp on Calls with Kevin Hopp is the last part of my conversation with Blake Hudson, the SDR Manager of Tapcart. Blake suggests asking for 15 minutes of your prospect's time by framing it as 1% of their day.They discuss strategies to get past gatekeepers then Kevin reaches a number that, while it was the right company, was no longer the right person. They have a good conversation and Kevin agrees to follow up within the week. QUOTESDon't be afraid to pick up the phone - Blake: "You're not going to make a cold call that's so bad that they print articles about you in the paper and your business goes under. Not possible. So just lean in."Build rapport with gatekeepers to get an honest answer - Kevin: "You say, Hey Blake, I've called five times for Thomas. Every time he seems to be the world's busiest man. I totally get it. Will I ever get through to Thomas on this number? Can you be real with me for a second? And they will generally be honest with you in that moment." Find out more about Blake and connect with him in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onebrightblake/ You can connect with Kevin Hopp in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khopp/ Hopp on Calls is powered by Kixie.Hone the craft of outbound sales at Cold Calling 101.Click [here] to listen in to Part 1 of my conversation with Blake!