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S2 Ep15: The Golden Rules of Cold Calling Part 1
This episode of Hopp on Calls with Kevin Hopp is a special educational feature on the Golden Rules of Cold Calling. Kevin explains that first and foremost, prospects are not interested. Knowing this, it is a cheap objection and should be treated as a false negative that should not be taken at face value.The second is that conversations are king. You can only find out if a prospect is potentially interested by having a conversation with them. The third is fat stacks in the circle backs or making follow-ups, the biggest area to get meetings from. The last Golden Rule today is business problems and valuable solutions, or having valuable conversations on problems you can solve. QUOTESDon't fall for the false negative - Kevin: "The false negative is the cheap objection that you get that you might take at face value as oh, they just told me they're not interested in the first 7 seconds of the call, therefore I can never sell my solutions to this company. Wrong."You get more meetings by following up - Kevin: "Trying to get a hold of people on the phone is hard enough, so when you can identify that someone has this number and picks up, that you can reach them on that number, that is worth following up." You can connect with Kevin Hopp in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khopp/ Hopp on Calls is powered by Kixie.Hone the craft of outbound sales at Cold Calling 101.