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S2 Ep16: The Golden Rules of Cold Calling Part 2
This episode of Hopp on Calls with Kevin Hopp is the last part of a special educational feature on the Golden Rules of Cold Calling. The first Golden Rule today is to be interested and interesting or have a dynamic personality on the phone that engages prospects that gets them talking to you. Kevin also doubles down on the importance of targeted list-building and provides a formula for efficiency to get meetings over time. Lastly, cold calling is a numbers game, so do not be discouraged because a large chunk of your market is not actively looking for a solution. QUOTESBuild your targeted list and time will reveal qualified prospects - Kevin: "The list-building process is the number 1 most overlooked thing in outbound. Period, full stop. You should put more time into building your list so that your lists can actually be more targeted. Outbound will always work with time. The game we're playing is time."Understand that cold calling is a numbers game - Kevin: "In your market, only 3% of people are the very, very tippity top are actively looking for a solution and have the problems... looking for a solution thing. These are the ones that we all freaking love." You can connect with Kevin Hopp in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khopp/ Hopp on Calls is powered by Kixie.Hone the craft of outbound sales at Cold Calling 101.