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S3 Ep15: Unleashing Success, Perseverance, Swinging Big, and Vetting Opportunities with Scott Lease
In this episode of the Call Guys Podcast, Kevin Hopp and Ronan Pissar are joined by Scott Leese, a renowned sales consultant and former VP of sales, CEO & Founder of Scott Leese Consulting. Scott shares his powerful journey, overcoming health challenges and finding success in sales. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance and work ethic, drawing inspiration from his own experiences. Scott advises listeners to take bigger swings, network early on, and diversify income streams for long-term wealth creation. He highlights the need to vet opportunities, considering factors such as the product's necessity, the leader's credibility, and customer feedback. HIGHLIGHTS QUOTESI want to be feeling productive and that production can take a lot of different forms - Scott: “And if I make a dollar today, I want to figure out how to make $2 tomorrow. I'm just kind of wired that way, you know? Um, but I certainly think that all of that got dialed all the way up to 10 because of my health, you know, stuff and the perspective that it gave me.”Learning from Mistakes and Taking Control of Your Career - Scott: “I made a million mistakes... I would have taken a couple of bigger swings... started networking a lot sooner... and started diversifying my income, my streams of income a little sooner.” Find more about Scott Leese:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottleese/ Connect with The Call Guys:Kevin Hopp: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khopp/Ronen Pessar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rpessar/ Hone the craft of outbound sales at Cold Calling 101:https://coldcalling101.podia.com/cold-calling-101/