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S3E5: “It’s Not That Deep”! Let’s Talk Sexuality | FANG ft. Joey G (BhadddBhussy)
This week, The FANG Podcast is joined by the executive producer & host of Me, Myself, And… Podcast – Joey Gabella! From a young age we're curious and begin to explore our sexuality, but for some they are not given that experience. Joey shares a part of his childhood on how he came to own his sexuality, all while exploring in an Egyptian American household. Some of us are still discovering who we are in our adulthood and the effects delayed development can have on that growth. Most importantly ,we exaggerate respecting ALL communities – you don’t have to accept it for yourself, but RESPECT EVERYONE! If you can not do that, do this… MIND YOUR BUSINESS.LISTEN TO US WHEREVER YOU LISTEN TO PODCASTS!https://linktr.ee/thefangpodcastCONNECT WITH THE HOSTS!MUKRIMATInstagram + TikTok: @its_mukriIG Portfolio: @by_mukriREBECCAInstagram + TikTok: @thatqueenbeccIG Portfolio: @touchedbybeccsGUESTJOEYInstagram @bhadddbhussy @mm_and_podhttps://linktr.ee/bhadddbhussyDM or send an email to wearefanggroup@gmail.com with any questions, topics and feedback! We appreciate your support!––Music Credits––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AUGMENTED | Afrobeat Library | Music for content creators | Afrobeat | Royalty Free Music | No Copyright https://youtu.be/Gt7Qqj-eoyI Creative Commons — Attribution - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Affiliated YouTube channel | https://www.youtube.com/c/KaseemBada –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––