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Samantha Drum’s take on high-conflict personalities
Samantha Drum has used her experience with high-conflict personalities to hone her expertise and create practical ideas about how to deal with these people effectively. How to identify them. And how to minimize chaos in your own life. Her five-point playbook crystallizes five essential skills that will help you defuse any argument. You can learn more and access resources at her website: https://www.controlledconfrontation.com/ The Argument Playbook is here:https://www.controlledconfrontation.com/playbook And the quiz is here:https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#..../6090701efce2500017e on the high conflict cure are here: The High Conflict Cure: www.controlledcontrontation.com/courseDo you have comments or suggestions about a topic or guest? An idea or question about conflict management or conflict resolution? Let me know at jb@dovetailresolutions.com! And you can learn more about me and my work as a mediator and a Certified CINERGY® Conflict Coach at www.dovetailresolutions.com and https://www.linkedin.com/in/janebeddall/.Enjoy the show for free on your favorite podcast app or on the podcast website: https://craftingsolutionstoconflict.com/And you can follow us on Twitter @conflictsolving.