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Scaling from Early Challenges in Business to 8-Figure Success with Trevor Mauch
Your vision will fuel you towards the things you love to do! Check out the tips, strategies, and mindset shifts for building an 8 figure business!Links + Resources:Connect with Trevor on Instagram | @trevor.mauch
Check out The CarrotCast! | https://carrot.com/blog/category/carrotcast/
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Show Notes:Want to scale your company to 8 figure success? Come and learn from one of the best in the business, Trevor Mauch, for the strategies and know-how all entrepreneurs need to get to the next level! Trevor is the co-founder and CEO of Carrot, a real estate marketing platform that provides tools & resources for real estate professionals. In this episode, we’ll talk about what really goes into building and growing an 8 figure business, starting from the challenging beginning stages of entrepreneurship to the successes of today. We will show you practical, applicable tips for online marketing that’ll have you landing more deals & opportunities. Most of all, Trevor will share integral mindset shifts along his journey that got him to where he is now. Join in and create a mindset that serves you, your business, and your vision!
00:00 Trevor Mauch, co-founder and CEO of Carrot, a real estate marketing platform!02:05 How did you become an entrepreneur?08:40 What happened after you bought the business fourplex?11:30 The first year of entrepreneurship.15:40 Why is writing out our intentions important to reaching them?17:55 What was your first step into online marketing?23:40 What mindset shift did you have 2 years in?26:55 How do you get past self-sabotage?30:50 Your vision is your fuel to move forward.33:15 When will you know you need to make a change?35:35 What was your intention and vision with Carrot?41:05 What results did you measure in the first year?44:00 The right time to create a real estate website.49:30 What are common online marketing mistakes real estate investors make?54:30 How does emotion come up in marketing?57:45 Where can people connect with you?