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Screen Sickness with I Love My Kid, But...
Today the dummies are thrilled to be joined by Megan Gailey, Kurt Braunohler and Chris Garcia from I Love My Kid, But... a new weekly podcast escape for parents to laugh about their mistakes. The dummies talk about how coming up in stand-up is similar to parenting, solving a years long mystery of a child's wall art, and how your kids start to take over your life whether you like it or not. And of course, there are some next-level dumb parenting moments shared. Please check out I Love My Kid, But... on Wondery or wherever you get your podcasts! Also check out The Dumb Dads Show on Always Funny Videos! The Dumb Dad podcast is also on Youtube. Subscribe here! For more Dumb Dad Pod, follow us on social – https://bit.ly/3t6tE9M We’ve got DUMB DAD MERCH! And we’re on CAMEO! We’d love to send a message to a dad (or anybody) in your life who needs a Dumb Dad pick-me-up! CHEAT CODES – BETONLINE – Use our Promo Code: BLEAV to receive your 50% Welcome Bonus on your first deposit. Thanks to Chris Verdú for our show music! Check out Verdú on SoundCloud!