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Season 3, Episode 2-David Boop Travailiant Rising Kickstarter!
For this episode of Season 3 I was able to interview Denver-based speculative fiction author David Boop about his new Kickstarter with Kevin J. Anderson. We discussed their new comic book TRAVAILIANT RISING. Here is the excerpt of the project from the Kickstarter site:The Garenthians, giant space kaiju, attacked without mercy, leaving Earth’s population and its cities ravaged. Finally, mammoth mechanical warriors called Decimators are able to turn the tide and save humanity! Only, this is not that story… Harold Hodges is angry. So angry, that upon another arrest for assault, he’s given a choice: he can either clean up toxic Garenthian residue—an almost certain death sentence—or he can enter Travailiant Therapy. Choosing the better option, Harold pilots a decommissioned, unarmed Decimator, tasked with the reclamation of Earth’s uninhabitable metropolises. His A.I. therapist, T.A.I.T., guides Harold’s aggression in a constructive…or better put, destructive way. However, what the judges and T.A.I.T didn’t understand about Harold, before putting him inside a Travailiant mech, is that he has a LOT OF ISSUES that might backfire and destroy not just our skeletal cities, but Harold himself.Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world of Travailiant Rising!Please make sure to check out their Kickstarter with the link below and please make sure to share the link as much as you can so this project gets backed! https://www.kickstarter.com/pr....ojects/outlandent/tr website: http://authorpage.com/davidboopIf you want to join our Facebook group please follow this link for news, updates, and the chance to discuss different books and works with the authors and creators themselves! Facebook join link: https://www.facebook.com/group....s/402724958101648/?r