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Second Cup of Joe...and John, Guest: Steve Gorman, former drummer of The Black Crowes & national radio host
The drummer for The Black Crowes for the group’s first nine albums, Steve has lived the rock and roll dream. He then wrote about it in his 2019 biography Hard to Handle: The Life and Death of the Black Crowes - A Memoir. His resume also includes hosting Steve Gorman Sports! on Fox Sports Radio and Steve Gorman Rocks! which delves into classic rock and roll airing on Westwood One radio affiliates. Gorman’s musical background didn’t have him destined to play in front of the biggest concert crowds in the 90’s but his timely business conncections opened doors and continues to lead him to the biggest names in the entertainment business. AMONG THE TOPICS: BEST AIR DRUMMER, MEETING RINGO, PLAYING WITH JIMMY PAGE, HIS LIKE IN BOOK FORM AND WHAT’S HIS NEXT BIG PROJECT.