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Seg 1 of 7E26 how to winterize your Gardens -The Gardening with Joey and Holly Radio Show
Seg 1: How to winterize your Garden
Email your questions to Gardentalkradio@gmail.com Or call 1-800-927-SHOW
Sponsors of the show
Proplugger of https://proplugger.com/
Rootmaker of https://myrootmaker.com/ Use coupon code Radio23 at checkout and save 15% off your order
Chapin Manufacturing Inc. of https://chapinmfg.com/
Pomona pectin of https://pomonapectin.com/
Phyllom BioProducts of http://www.phyllombioproducts.com/home.html Use code Gardentalk10 to save 10% off your order
Happy leaf led of https://happyleafled.com/ Use code JoeyHolly to save 10% off orders of $90.00 one time use
Dripworks of https://www.dripworks.com/
Deer defeat https://deerdefeat.com/ use code Radio at check out to save 10% on your order
Blue ribbon organics http://blueribbonorganics.com/
Walton's Inc of https://www.waltonsinc.com/ Us code grow50 and save 10% off your order of $50 or more
Tree Diaper of http://www.treediaper.com/ use coupon code garden15 to save 15% off your order
Bloomin easy plants of https://bloomineasyplants.com/
Natural green products of https://www.natgreenproducts.com/ use promo code freeship4me
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Rescue of https://rescue.com/
Jung Seeds of https://www.jungseed.com/ use code 10GT23 to save 10% off orders
Fleet Farm of http://www.fleetfarm.com/
Aquart - Mart of https://www.aqua-mart.com/
Soil Savvy of https://www.mysoilsavvy.com/
Wind River Chimes of https://windriverchimes.com/
Verlo Mattress of https://verlo.com/
Farmers Defense of https://farmersdefense.com/
Rise Gardens of https://risegardens.com/
Wisconsin Greenhouse Company of https://wisconsingreenhousecompany.com/
Grip 6 of https://grip6.com/ Use Code Radio15 to save 15% off your order
Dripping Springs Ollas https://drippingspringsollas.com/
Tree Hugger springers of https://treehuggersprinklers.com/
Mantis of https://mantis.com/
Live Earth Products of https://www.livearth.com/
The Gardening with Joey and Holly Radio Show March – Oct weekly check it out here
Merch camping and gardening https://www.thatismyshirt.com/
Amazon #Influencer page with products we use and trust from gardening to camping, household goods and even cat stuff. Over 500 items list https://www.amazon.com/shop/thewisconsinvegetablegardener?ref=ac_inf_hm_vp