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1:27 - Introducing the Extra Mile Institute, and how Matt is involved with the program.Learn more at the website here:https://www.extramileinstitute.com/3:40 - How many universities do Matt and the Extra Mile Institute team work with and what are their plans in terms of expansion?4:26 - Introducing today’s topic: self-determination theory.6:39 - Why does extrinsic motivation not meet the same kind of demands that intrinsic motivation does?10:39 - In what environments can “competence” be best developed within athletes?12:06 - Explaining the difference between competence and confidence.12:56 - Which would be more important to prioritize in development: confidence or competence?13:42 - Is self-driven development equally effective as feedback from coaches?15:59 - How can competence be effectively developed in players with little motivation?19:02- Why is the concept of connection/relatedness important in finding motivation?21:22 - When writing, does Billy find that connections are relevant to his motivation, or is he purely being fueled by intrinsic motivation?23:16 - Do people work better when connected rather than just working as purely business partners?24:31 - How does Matt foster the development of connection between players on teams that he works with?26:15 - Describing an environment where the connection between the three components of self-determination theory are the greatest.32:08 - Explaining the frequency that coaches should implement these activities/exercises.33:02 - Has Matt observed coaches implementing self-determination theory into the development of mental skills?BooksCoach Your Brains Out: The Art and Science of Coaching VolleyballThe Inner Knight: Train and Compete Like a ChampionContact us for bulk orders: coachyourbrainsout@gmail.com Become a Patron to support the show.