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Series 2 Episode 7 - Getting Older with HIV
Episode 7 – Getting Older with HIVOn this week's episode, Michelle talks to Winnie Sseruma to discuss a phenomena that no one predicted when the epidemic was at it's highest, getting older with HIV. Medicine has dramatically improved due to research, but has been driven mainly by activists like Winnie. As a person living with HIV, Winnie explores how her life has changed since her diagnosis, and how she has had to adjust her mindset and life whilst getting older.Episode Guest Winnie SserumaWinnie is a freelance international development consultant and a huge advocate for people living with HIV. She has worked on treatment and advocacy boards and with black communities in the UK and Sub Saharan African. With over 20 years worth of experience in HIV activism we cannot wait for you to hear what she has to say.Additional Information and Links Winnie's Ted Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?....v=ReXPssaBdc4Nationa HIV Nurse Association (NHIVNA) www.nhivna.org.HIV Matters Bookstorehttps://uk.bookshop.org/shop/HIVMattersHow to contact the show Hello@hivmatterspodcast.co.ukhttps://hiv-matters.captivate.fm