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Serpentine Shadows: Charles Sobhraj, Marie-Andrée Leclerc, and the Trail of Terror
Journey with us into the dark corridors of the famed Asian "Hippie Trail," where the allure of adventure entwined with the lurking perils of two enigmatic figures. Charles Sobhraj, with the chilling moniker "The Serpent", and his mysterious companion, Marie-Andrée Leclerc, left an indelible scar on the path of wanderlust-filled travelers. Driven by complex motives and a knack for manipulation, they orchestrated heinous acts from theft to cold-blooded murder. In this episode, delve deep into the psyche of this criminal duo, exploring their backgrounds, intricate relationships, and the sinister legacy they've left behind. As we unravel this twisted tapestry of deceit, passion, and cruelty, you'll discover why the shadows of 'The Serpent' and his accomplice continue to haunt tales of the Hippie rail.Youtube!: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCsAlinhfhzG3kUoCo https://www.makingfunofdeadpeople.com/Email: makingfunofdeadpeople@gmail.comTwitter: @fundeadpeople