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Shifting From Why To What
Moving from the question, “why is this happening to me” to “what is this trying to teach me” is a mindset shift that will take you from a state of stressful frustration to a place of peaceful understanding. It is part of our life’s work to examine our behaviors and actions in order to heal and move towards joy. Guided meditations can help aide in this endeavor because you have a “meditation tour guide” to help you relax and even develop new skills. Over time, techniques from guided sessions can eventually apply to self-guided meditations that you can do on your own, whenever you choose. Ultimately, whether you're a beginner or an experienced meditator, guided meditations can offer valuable support in your meditation journey. They provide a structured and nurturing environment for your practice, making meditation more approachable and enjoyable.<br/><br/>Let me be your guide today as we Hurry Up And Meditate!