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Shitty Situations Episode #3
The 1 Star Podcast : King Ranch is back in the house, The trio goes over a personal story when Tommy and Tony try to paint a mural on a friend's car and tried to frame Brad. We go over a few reviews, anxiety attacks, personal elbow attacks....with threats of pressing charges. o once again people got food poisoning. The reason Brad brings his Squatty potty to eat finally makes sense. mostly we talk about poop lots of KaKa probably to much doo doo. but good news we did figure out Tony will be a great care taker if his father. (FAH-THAH) is ever in need. email: the1starpodcast@gmail.com instagram the_1starpodcast EXPLICIT CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This podcast contains inappropriate language and content not intended for chrildren under the age of 18 years old. Listening discretion is advised.