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Shrewd Invoicing Tips Every Smart Business Needs to Know About with Mary Schaeffer
If your business invoices aren’t being paid fast enough you might benefit from today’s invoicing tips so that you can improve your cash flow and get money rolling in sooner rather than later.And you’re in luck, today’s guest, Mary Schaeffer, puts the “payable” into accounts payable and her practical invoicing tips will have you running to see if you’re invoices reflect best practices.What You’ll Discover About Shrewd Invoicing Tips:* How understanding the invoice process provides insights for invoicing tips* Invoicing tips to avoid payment delays* Why invoicing tips apply equally to paper and electronic invoices * Invoicing tips regarding invoice automation solutions * Invoicing tips best practices * And MUCH moreGuest: Mary SchaefferMary Schaeffer is the founder and publisher AP Now, the author of more than 20 business books, an accounts payable best practice trainer, a course and content creator; not to mention the host of the AP Now podcast.Mary has also been named a top 50 Influencer in accounts payable by the Accounts Payable Association and is the author of 127 Best Practices for Accounts Payable.She definitely puts the payable in accounts payable.Related Resources:If you liked this interview, you might also enjoy our other Finance episodes.Contact Mary and connect with her on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.Follow her AP Now podcast and visit her content rich accounts payable website.Get the FREE Invoicing Tips Sheet here.