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Side Quest: Cottages and Cerberus Part 1
We work with CGP games to show off a new game now available on Kickstarter, Cottages and Cerberus! Cottages and Cerberus is a perfect blend of Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter all with the goal of having the coziest cottage possible! With special guest player, Willow from The RPG Goblin, the Rejects begin creating their characters, their cottage, and their entire world as they dive headlong into a true Cottagecore experience!<br/><br/>If you would like to support Willow, check out The RPG Goblin, available anywhere you get podcasts!<br/><br/>Make sure to check out our website at roleplayrejects.com.<br/><br/>Roleplay Rejects is in no way affiliated with CGP Games, but if you would like to purchase the game, Head over to Kickstarter and search Cottages and Cerberus, or follow this link: kickstarter.com/projects/cottagesandcerberus/cottages-and-cerberus-new-system-pf2e-5e-supportSupport the show