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Side Quest: NOVA Part 1
The Rejects dive into the NOVA TTRPG with a special guest host, DiscoTechPriest! NOVA is a post apocalyptic game where, after the sun exploded, the remnants of humanity gathered near the shards of the sun now imbeded in the earth! Technology advanced and now Sparks, hyper advanced suits powered by solar slivers, brave the darkness outside the safety of the sun wells.<br/><br/>If you would like to support DiscoTechPriest, check out some of his writing on Reddit!<br/><br/>Make sure to check out our website at roleplayrejects.com.<br/><br/>Roleplay Rejects is in no way affiliated with Gila RPGs or Spencer Cambell. If you would like to purchase Badge Quest, please visit gilarpgs.itch.io/nova or your local game store. Support the show