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SpaceX and the Arrival of Low-cost Reusable Rockets
Dr. Casey Handmer Dr. Casey Handmer joins us on how the SpaceX Starship will completely change the Space economy, the importance of energy from solar panels, and how we could terraform Mars in less than 10 years. Speaker Bios: Casey Handmer was born and raised in Australia, where he completed undergraduate studies in mathematics and physics. Emigrating to the US in 2010, he earned a PhD in theoretical physics, followed by stints at Hyperloop One and NASA JPL. In 2021 he founded Terraform Industries to capture atmospheric carbon and convert it into cheaper natural gas at gigaton scale. Twitter: @cjhandmer and @terraformindies Participate! If you have suggestions for future discussion topics, or people you would like us to interview, or if you’d like an invite to the recording sessions to participate live, just let us know. Follow us on twitter @ourFutureSpace, our Facebook Group, or email us at OurFutureInSpace@orbitalassembly.com. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ourFutureInSpace https://orbitalassembly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/OrbitalOps https://twitter.com/OrbitalOps Copyright 2022, Orbital Assembly