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Sterling Johnson - Working Toward Economic Equity
Tune in to hear:- What does the Partnership for Southern Equity really focus on and what is Sterling’s role there?- What is the difference between equity and equality and why is this an important distinction to make when talking about the kind of work the PSE does?- What things, governmentally or institutionally, are still in place structurally that disadvantage black and brown people from economic equality?- Atlanta consistently ranks among the highest of American cities with the greatest economic disparity. At a city-wide level, what drives this massive wealth gap?- How can one balance an awareness of the past, and a realization that people don’t start on even ground in life, with a cautious optimism about how we can move forward?- When some of the biggest drivers of wealth inequality are so organic, like who you choose to marry, how can we make meaningful progress?- What things have we not gone over that might move the needle towards a more equitable future in America?https://psequity.orgOrion Portfolio Solutions, LLC, an Orion Company, is a registered investment advisor. Custom Indexing offered through Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC a registered investment advisor. Orion Portfolio Solutions, LLC, is a subsidiary of Orion Advisor Solutions, Inc. (“Orion”). Please visit https://orion.com/OCIO/custom-indexing for more information on Custom Indexing. Ad Compliance Code: 2120-OPS-8/2/2023Compliance Code: 2064-OAS-7/28/2023Connect with UsMeet Dr. Daniel CrosbyCheck Out All of Orion’s PodcastsPower Your Growth with Orion