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Steven Adjei
During this episode, you will learn about;[00:30] Episode intro and a quick bio of the guest [02:02] Steven’s background, what he does, and what he’s up to [04:18] What inspired Steven to pursue pharmaceutical and his transition to entrepreneurship [05:56] About BlueCloud Health and the four main things they offer [18:18] Why Steven feels he was destined to be an entrepreneur from a young age [09:31] The leap from Ghana to the UK and what captivated it[10:25] Steve’s lessons from a young age on being a self-starter[11:42] Steve’s transition to entrepreneurship and the difficulties that he encountered [15:39] Renewed fire: How Steven went from 11 years bankruptcy to restoration in a month[18:33] How Steven is balancing working in the pharmaceutical, running his company, and authoring [20:21] Steven’s book, Pay The Price and what it has for entrepreneurs [28:25] Golden takeaways from Steven that you can start implementing today[31:01] How to reach out and connect with Steven[31:56] Steven’s next leap and what God’s calling him to do[32:51] Ending the show and call to action Notable Quotes It’s not enough to have the gifts; you’ve to invest in your gift and be knowledgeable to thrive.Balance means different things at different times.God allows things to happen to you so that you can have a testimony.When you get the person, purpose, and passion right, it's easier to go through the formative period, where many entrepreneurs fail.Most entrepreneurs fail in the formative stage because the honeymoon phase is not nailed down correctly.The honeymoon phase is crucial because it gives you the roots, strength, and competence to go through pain.God always reminded people of their honeymoon phase in the bible, the place he called them from.The future of development is in entrepreneurship. Resources MentionedPay The Price: Creating Ethical Entrepreneurial Success Through Passion, Pain, and Purpose by Steve Adjei: https://www.amazon.com/Pay-Price-Creating-Ethical-Entrepreneurial-ebook/dp/B0BB5PVNW4 Connect With us:Steven Adjei Website | https://www.stevenadjei.com/LinkedIn| https://www.linkedin.com/in/st....even-n-adjei-0827a51 https://www.facebook.com/PayThePriceBookInstagram| https://www.instagram.com/stevennadjei/ Rachel ScottWebsite| https://rachelgscott.com/Website| http://the5leaps.com/Instagram| https://www.instagram.com/iamr....achelgscott/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iamrachelgscott