Stick It To Them, Part 1

0 Views· 11/01/22
Key 3 Educators
Key 3 Educators
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If only affixing information to students' brains were as easy as super-gluing your fingers together. Alas, it's not. Education is a specialized subset of communication, and Chip & Dan Heath's New York Times bestseller, Made to Stick, is a power tool for teachers and school leaders!In Part 1, we examine the first letter of their "SUCCESS" acronym including looking at the Curse of Knowledge, core & compact statements vs. sound bites, and how to make use of Commander's Intent (CI). You'll come away with actionable insights from this episode and have your curiosity piqued to learn more about this fantastic book. To subscribe to "3 Keys", visit No cost, only benefits. Why subscribe? You only need one idea, insight, or resource to move between good, better, and best! You can also find information on speaking engagements for students, parents, and staff on the website!Remember, your impact truly is immeasurable, eternal, and irreplaceable!Learn yourself, Love God, Live connected.#christianschools#christianeducation#madetostick

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