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Study Coach podcast; Psychology: Power of Mind and Personal Development
Study Coach podcast is training minds and empowering people to achieve. The podcast takes a look at the psychology behind visualising goals, be they personal, social or business goals. Study Coach podcast invite listeners to consider whether they depend on visual or auditory imagery to perceive and manifest goals in their Personal Development plan. The power of using mental images is much talked about, Study Coach provides listeners with an opportunity to understand some psychology to apply in business, at work and socially. It is said that if we can perceive and believe what we see, then we will achieve, this clearly indicates that the mind is a powerful tool. The presenter Morel Benard is an educator. Please Subscribe to Study Coach podcast. Email Study Coach at: studycoach8@gmail.com<br/>Tweet us: @studycoach1<br/>Thanks for listening. Please Subscribe and leave a Review.