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Supply Chain Became (too) Exciting (w/ Jennifer Fennell)
Five years ago if you started discussing supply chain to someone their eyes would instantly glaze over. But in today’s post-COVID world, everyone is struggling to keep up and it’s one of the most challenging aspects of running a successful manufacturing business. Host Sean Frost speaks with Jennifer Fennell, Director of Supply Chain at Polo Custom Products. On this episode we discuss:
Adjusting to life in Canada
Starting at Polo Custom Products as a single mom
Getting support from others
How disruptions have an impact on the supply chain
Supply chain is a team effort
Mitigating risks in an uncertain landscape
Diversification of suppliers
Supply chain best practices
Identifying challenges early
Supply chain management being taught in high schools
AI (artificial intelligence) and the supply chain
Resources:A Triple Play for Industrial OEMs - Polo Custom Products
Learn more about Polo Custom Products
Polo Custom Product designs, engineers, and manufactures custom products for OEMs in the medical, fire & safety, and defense industries. Polo Custom Products has experts on staff to globally source and procure your specialty formulation materials. Our experts in quality assurance test and ensure all custom products meet standards and your requirements. This show is part of the ICT Podcast Network. For more information visit ictpod.net