SUS - PH TikToker announces a PHP33k mystery PC build, won't reveal specs ๐Ÿคจ Shame - Fake Samsung SSDs circulating ๐Ÿด‍โ˜ ๏ธ Bye bye 2060 and 1660 cards ๐Ÿ˜ข Price of second hand 30 series gpus is going WAY UP ๐Ÿ˜ฌ The biggest money pit at Amazon isn't free shipping ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ”ฅ

1 Viewsยท 12/01/22
Tech Show BUT Friendly

Ep 9 Thanks for lending me your ear.Local newsMystery 33k build darvills16Fake samsung ssds circulatingGPUsbye bye 2060 and 1660 series
supply of second hand 30 series gpus drying upon ebay, prices increase up to200%
General tech news
Chinese tech firm Baidu says it has been largely unaffected by US restrictions on exporting advanced chips to China. (The Wall Street Journal)
GamingMeta’s AI negotiation agent Cicero outperformed humansin the war strategy game Diplomacy. (Gizmodo)
Portal RTX comes in Dec
This will be a weekly thing so next ep drops Dec 9.Till next Friday ladies and gents, have a good weekend.
NB.This episode's script. Dashes are notes where I have specific info I want to say but am comfortable

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