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Talking with David Whalen some more - A Walk Through The Multiverse Episode 69
David Whalen returns to talk about the release of his latest volume for his comic, The Offspring. We also chat about DC for a bit cause we can't help ourselves. You can find Volumes 1-6 and Omnibus Volumes 1-2 of The Offspring on Amazon<br /><br />Website: CorrectHandedComics.com<br />Facebook: Correct Handed Comics<br />Twitter: @Correct_Handed<br />Instagram: @correct_handed<br /><br />Support The Alliance On Patreon & Get Ad-Free, Exclusive, Early Episodes<br />https://www.patreon.com/guanetwork<br /><br />Geek Ultimate Alliance Network Is Produced By GeekVerse Podcast www.geekverse.ca<br /><br />Network Schedule <br />Monday: Rangers Alliance/Slice of Film (Bi-Weekly)<br />Tuesday: DC Alliance <br />Wednesday: Superhero Discussions<br />Thursday: Star Wars Alliance<br />Friday: Marvel Alliance<br />Saturday: A Walk Through the Multiverse (Bi-Weekly)<br />Last Sunday of each month: World's Finest True Believers<br /><br />Follow the respective shows on Twitter so when they record live on GeekVerse Podcast Network you can join the chat and add to the conversation!<br /><br />This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/....4330657/advertisemen