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Teach Me How To Design A Beautiful Home On A Budget, with Design Expert and YouTuber Alexandra Gater
The highest level of adulting might just be creating a space that feels welcoming and reflects your personal style. But let’s be honest, that’s easier said than done, especially with the limitations of budgets and rental units. Our homes should be a source of comfort and inspiration — after all, our spaces have a real impact on our wellbeing. We’re on a mission to create our own personal oasis without breaking the bank, so we called in our friend, and the budget-friendly decor guru herself, Alexandra Gater. Alexandra is a stylist and home decor expert who specializes in accessible home decor advice for renters and anyone working with a smaller budget. She started her design career as the home editor for Chatelaine Magazine, where she launched the popular YouTube series, The Home Primp. She’s since hosted the HGTV series Buy or DIY, and her work has appeared in brands like Apartment Therapy, Domino Magazine, Architectural Digest, The Rachel Ray Show, and the Global Morning Show. She just launched her STUNNING book Own Your Space, which offers room-by-room decorating tips for renters and homeowners. Join us as we chat about:Alexandra’s journey to becoming a design legendThe easiest, most budget-friendly ways to make a big impactHow to figure out your personal design aestheticAlexandra’s go-to products to spruce up a spaceAdvice for renters on making big changes and navigating landlordsEasy and temporary DIYs to tryChoosing unique and affordable artDealing with differing design styles with your partnerWe hope this episode inspires you to make your home your own, because you deserve the space of your dreams!For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:@teachmehowtoadultmedia @yunggillianaire@cailynmichaanFollow Alexandra:youtube.com/@AlexandraGater@alexandragaterBuy Alexandra's book: Own Your SpaceMentioned in this episode:Ikea Couch CoversPeel & Stick Floor TilePeel & Stick Backsplash Subway TilePeel & Stick Backsplash Hexagon Tile