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Teach Me How To Manage Anxiety, Challenge My Fears, And Heal The Gut-Brain Connection, with Dr. Lauren Cook
If you experience feelings of overwhelming anxiety, existential dread, panic sweats and heart palpitations… welcome to the anxious girlies club. But seriously, we’re finally learning that while occasional stress and worry is normal, if those feelings start to impact our day-to-day lives, it’s time to take a closer look at our brains and bodies. Millennials and Gen-Zs have been dubbed the most anxious generations in history, and it’s no surprise considering the increasingly globalized age of social media, 24/7 bad news cycles, and economic issues we face. So what can we do about it?We called in licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Lauren Cook, to give us some easy, actionable steps to help positively navigate our anxiety, rather than ignoring or fighting against it. From identifying the impacts and triggers of anxiety to breaking down the gut-brain connection, Lauren lays out the real, evidence-backed ways to manage our chaotic minds.Dr. Lauren Cook is a therapist, consultant, speaker, author and founder of Heartship Psychological Services. Specializing in anxiety, she helps individuals and couples work through generalized anxiety, phobias, social anxiety, OCD, and more. She has a podcast called The Boardroom Brain, and has written three books, including the forthcoming “Generation Anxiety: A Millennial and Gen Z Guide to Staying Afloat in an Uncertain World”. You might’ve seen her on TikTok where she spreads approachable mental health advice to her hundreds of thousands of followers, or in her features on The New York Times, Forbes, NBC, and Psychology Today. Tune in as we chat about:What’s causing the increased rates of anxiety in Millennials and Gen-Z’sThe hidden impacts of anxiety in our relationships, jobs, and interactionsThe most prevalent categories of anxiety and the rise of social anxiety The gut-brain connection and how nutrition impacts mental healthHow to cope with and communicate anxiety triggersHow to self-soothe when we’re spiralling The best ways to show up for loved ones struggling with their mental healthIs anxiety and control to blame for our procrastination and isolation?The importance of “empowered acceptance”Healthy ways to challenge our fearsWe hope this episode helps you manage your anxiety and work with your body and mind to feel your best.And if you’ve been toying with the idea of launching a podcast but aren’t sure where to start or how to grow, check our consulting services at teachmehowtoadult.ca/howtopodcast. We can’t wait to work with you!For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:instagram.com/teachmehowtoadultmedia @yunggillianaire@cailynmichaanFollow Dr. Lauren:@dr.laurencookDrlaurencook.comPre-Order Generation Anxiety: A Millennial and Gen Z Guide to Staying Afloat in an Uncertain World