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Teach Me How To Set Boundaries, with CEO and Best-Selling Author Melissa Urban
’Tis the season to set some hardcore boundaries, because they really are the key to living a less stressed, healthier, happier life. Upholding boundaries doesn’t mean you’re in your villain era… the truth about how to properly set and hold them may pleasantly surprise you, because they actually work to improve your relationships — not to restrict them. We got a game-changing rundown on how boundaries will change your life, with the incredible Melissa Urban, who literally wrote the book on boundaries, aptly called The Book of Boundaries. This is THE boundaries 101 crash course for anyone looking to overcome people-pleasing tendencies and improve their relationship with themselves, their family and friends, and in the workplace. Melissa Urban is a six-time New York Times bestselling author, the co-founder and CEO of the wildly popular Whole30 nutritional program, and host of the Do the Thing podcast. You may have seen her on her hugely popular social accounts or heard her on some of your favourite podcasts, from Glennon Doyle’s to The Skinny Confidential. Melissa has helped millions of people live their best lives through the work she does in the health and mental wellness spaces.Join us as we chat about:Melissa’s journey to helping people establish healthy boundariesSigns that it’s time to set a boundary with someoneHow to *actually* set a boundaryWhy boundaries improve your relationshipsMelissa’s green, yellow, red frameworkHow to stop breaking your own self-boundariesBracing for pushback from othersSetting boundaries at work to crush it without burning outWays to set boundaries this holiday seasonWe hope this episode motivates you to set some boundaries in your life, so you can take back your time, mental health, energy and relationships! For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:@teachmehowtoadultpodcast @yunggillianaire@cailynmichaanFollow us on TikTok: @teachmehowtoadultFollow Melissa @melissau Buy Melissa’s book: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0735243212