The 1st Rose Bowl and almost the 2nd with Author Timothy P Brown

0 Views· 11/27/22
Pigskin Dispatch
Pigskin Dispatch
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The Rose Bowl is 100 Years Old! In celebration of this milestone, we are covering the history of the stadium and the New Years' Game game associated with it by gathering research from resources from some of the finest historians and authors in the gridiron realm. Timothy Brown of Football Archaeology joins us to chat about the first game played at the Tournament of Roses festival way back in 1902. We start at the first gridiron game for the Tournament of Roses festival.Join us at the Pigskin Dispatch website and the Sports Jersey Dispatch to see even more Positive football news! Sign up to get daily football history headlines in your email inbox @ Email-subscriberMiss our football by the day of the year podcasts, well don't because they can still be found at the Pigskin Dispatch website.

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