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The Big Leap or Tiny Baby Step? Two approaches to transformation and when to use them.
Most people have something in their life that they know needs to change. Sometimes it's knowing our life would improve if we made a small tweak to the way we do something. Other times, life challenges will demand we make massive changes in order to survive. In this episode we're talking about both approaches to growth: The big leap or tiny baby steps. Both can be effective if you know how and when to use them. And perhaps the most important question here, is which one do you currently need? SHOWNOTES:Co Create by Brooke Snow: My *New* App! Find all the details at brookesnow.com/appJoin us for our next Community Challenge focused on Nourishment!
The Co Create App gives you access to over 100+ Guided Meditations, new Yoga Classes and Inspirational Audio Courses to support you in living into your true identity as the creator of your life.