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The Datapreneurs and the Future of Data and AI with Bob Muglia and Kent Graziano
We’re extremely excited to welcome Bob Muglia to Coffee with Coalesce. The former Microsoft exec and Snowflake CEO doesn’t need an introduction in the data community: a legendary leader whose work has shaped our industry, Muglia joins us to talk about his new book, The Datapreneurs. Hosted by Coalesce co-founders Armon Petrossian and Satish Jayanthi, and Coalesce advisor Kent Graziano.Watch the full episode to hear Muglia and Graziano's take on:how AI and LLMs will change the Modern Data Stackhow AI and LLMs will change data engineeringthe future of SQL and knowledge graphsMuglia's "you heard it here first" take on Data Meshand much more!About Coalesce:Founded in 2020, Coalesce is the only data transformation platform built for scale. Coalesce combines the speed of an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI), the flexibility of code, and the efficiency of automation, empowering its customers with increased data team productivity and insights. Based in San Francisco, Calif., Coalesce is backed by Emergence Capital, 11.2 Capital, GreatPoint Ventures, and Industry Ventures and supports customers worldwide. Learn more at Coalesce.io. Get a demo: https://coalesce.io/request-demo/Start free: https://coalesce.io/start-free/