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The Doc G Show February 7th 2024 (Featuring The Irie)
The Doc invites Johnny and George of The Irie on the show for the 3rd time! The Irie are getting ready to release their sophomore album on February 26th and go on their first cross-country tour Springbreakers! Doc and the fellas talk about new locations on the tour, recording the new album, playing Kampfest, Doc singing at the album release party AND the guys take a quiz to see how well they know the cities they're getting ready to play! Monologue (traffic): 0:00:22 Birthday Suit 1: 10:36 Ripped from the Headlines: 13:54 Shoutouts: 31:06 Facts You Didn't Know You Needed to Know and Probably Don't: 34:27 The Irie Interview: 40:36 Mike C Top 3: 1:12:22 Birthday Suit 2: 1:26:08 Birthday Suit 3: 1:27:51
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