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The Echoes of Childhood Trauma in Our Adult Lives
Childhood trauma imprints on us like nothing else can. It lives rent free in our heads and takes a toll on our lives well into adulthood. Our minds and bodies hold onto those memories for decades, expressing them again and again in ways both subliminal and overt. It can resurface when we least expect it, causing us to relive painful memories as though they are happening again in this moment, and often compelling us to repeat patterns of trauma or abuse without us even being aware that we’re doing it. In this episode, we’re talking about all of the ways in which childhood trauma can echo into your adult life; as well as how to recognize the impact on our lives, to understand why these patterns repeat, and to begin mitigating the damage it causes. To see our resources for this and all our others episodes visit https://www.differentfunctiona....l.com/podcast-resour If you’re enjoying the podcast please show us some love by subscribing, following, reviewing, commenting on, and sharing our episodes. And if you’d like to become a patron you can find us at https://www.patreon.com/differentfunctional