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The Emotional Entrepreneur, with Scout Sobel
In this episode of the Skeptical Shaman, host Rachel White chats with "The Emotional Entrepreneur": Scout Sobel. Not only is this the title of Scout's book, but it's also her life's mission statement. As the owner of Scout's Agency and the cohost of the "Okay, Sis" podcast, Scout is upending every pre-conceived "rule" of what it means to be a woman, a mother, and a business owner, harnessing the power of her emotions and intuitions instead of fighting them at every step.<br/><br/>Scout's Agency has a simple but powerful mission: to get women as guests on podcasts, and through delivering this incredible product Scout has absolutely gained invaluable lessons learned across business, personal development, and spirituality more broadly.<br/><br/>In this chat, Rachel and Scout dig into the crucial importance of the chakras, how to radically accept your nature and your soul's purpose, and how to navigate the "shadow aspect" of your incredible super powers...you know, because we all have them!<br/><br/>Scout credits her bipolar disorder with many of her own superpowers, market differentiators and--frankly speaking-- her competitive edge, but also acknowledges that "with great power comes great responsibility". Scout shares her own best practices for self-care, how to manage the instinct to "fawn" in a society obsessed with customer service, and what she needs to fill her tank up after an exhausting workday.<br/><br/>We end our discussion with Rachel pulling a TOTEM Tarot Card for Scout, who reflected a totally awesome, totally curious open mind when faced with an often misunderstood mythical character!<br/><br/>TOTEM Readings website (Rachel's spiritual practice): https://www.totemreadings.com<br/>TOTEM Tarot Deck (deck used in episode): https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578980126?ref=myi_title_dp<br/>TOTEM Readings Substack: https://totemrach.substack.com<br/>Scout's Agency website: https://www.scoutsobel.com<br/>Scout's IG: https://www.instagram.com/scoutsobel/<br/><br/>Please note: The views and opinions expressed on The Skeptical Shaman do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the podcast. Any content provided by our guests, bloggers, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, protected class, group, club, organization, business individual, anyone or anything. And remember: sticks and stones may break our bones, but words—or discussions of religious or spiritual topics-- will never hurt us.