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The Emotional Side of Minimalism -- Ep. 136
Thanks for listening to the podcast—I hope you settle in and enjoy.<br/><br/>Group Breathwork Session Booking Calendar<br/><br/>Questions about breathwork or did the session fill up? Message me on Instagram here:<br/><br/>https://www.instagram.com/howtobeaminimalist/<br/><br/>Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor Ted Talk<br/><br/>Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Thanks so much for your support, however you can give it.<br/><br/>Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!<br/><br/>MY BOOKS:<br/><br/>How to be a Minimalist: A Beginner’s Guide<br/><br/>How to be a Minimalist with Kids<br/><br/>MY LATEST YOUTUBE VIDEOS:<br/><br/>HowtobeaMinimalist YouTube Channel<br/><br/>MY AZURE STANDARD REFERRAL LINK<br/>I earn Azure store credit when my referral link is used as a new sign-up and a $100 purchase is made, all at no cost to you. Thanks for your support!<br/><br/>PODCASTS AND YOUTUBE CHANNELS I ENJOY:<br/><br/>Fabled Collective Podcast<br/><br/>The Darwin Awards PodcastSupport the showSupport the show