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The Highest Quality (w/ Dawn Silver)
Polo Director of Quality, Dawn Silver, joins Sean Frost to talk about how regulations and requirements drive activity across the manufacturing. Silver has been with Polo for nine years and has a degree in biology and a master's in science. Before Polo, she worked at a contract sterilization company in the greater Chicago land area and fulfilled multiple quality roles. She now works with a broad set of industries and regulatory bodies, such as the FDA, FAA, and different automotive standards. On this episode we discuss:
00:06:00 Discussion on Regulations Across Different Industries00:08:00 Quality System Inspection Techniques, Production Part Approval Process, and Pre-Market Approval00:11:00 Quality Planning for Successful Medical Device Manufacturing00:13:00 Quality Management System at Polo00:15:00 Quality Assurance and Testing in Manufacturing00:20:00 Continuous Improvement and Retention of Associates00:22:00 Quality Initiatives at Polo Custom Products
Resources:A Triple Play for Industrial OEMs - Polo Custom Products
Learn more about Polo Custom Products
Polo Custom Product designs, engineers, and manufactures custom products for OEMs in the medical, fire & safety, and defense industries. Polo Custom Products has experts on staff to globally source and procure your specialty formulation materials. Our experts in quality assurance test and ensure all custom products meet standards and your requirements. This show is part of the ICT Podcast Network. For more information visit ictpod.net