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TLR 128: The Story Behind My Utmost for His Highest with Michelle Ule
His words have impacted millions of Christians… But Oswald Chambers’ classic devotional might not have ever been written had it not been for his wife. What a loss that would have been! For through the sermons she compiled, Oswald Chambers has been my spiritual mentor for nearly forty years. In this episode of The Living Room, biographer Michelle Ule shares the incredible story behind this classic devotional and Biddy Chambers – the woman who captured her husband’s words and shared them with the world. It is an inspiring episode in so many ways! I hope you are challenged like I was to use my giftings for God’s glory – no matter the pain and sacrifice that might be involved. Links from Show Michelle’s book: Mrs. Oswald Chambers: The Woman behind the World’s Bestselling Devotional My Utmost for His Highest: Classic Edition / Updated Language Edition Michelle’s Guest Post: Mrs. Oswald Chambers | Guest Michelle Ule Joanna’s Newest Book: Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God Joanna’s YouTube Channel [Disclosure: I make a small commission from affiliate links used in this post.] Connect with Michelle Ule Website | Facebook | Instagram